Bank Transfer

On this page, the details of Bank Transfer are shown with examples and API endpoints to work with.


Bank Transfer works in a way so that the users can send money to accounts from different banks. Users have to add recipients first to send money, the recipients can be added with information such as iban, bic, name and currency. After the user has added a recipient, the user can get the list of recipients and select the recipient to send the money.

Bank Transfer Flow

  1. Select Recipient

  2. Select Your Bank Account

  3. Enter Transaction Details

  4. Approve Transaction

How to add a recipient

To add a recipient, you will need the following information about the account holder:

  1. bic

  2. currency

  3. iban

  4. name

After you have the listed details, you can add a recipient with the following API endpoint under the recipient controller:

You will have to pass the bearer token as the auth token with the request for it to work

How to get all added recipients

To get the list of the recipients added to the account, you will have to make a GET request to the below API endpoint:

The response will contain a list of objects containing the receiver's details such as name, iban, currency, bic and the unique id for that specific recipient. A sample response is given below:

        "id": "66a60282-9821-4751-9a9e-e1d6f83ea6b7",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "iban": "Sample iban Number",
        "bic": "TESTBIC",
        "currency": "EUR"
        "id": "1f41f279-7c88-4172-9fcf-7ae1599216b1",
        "name": "John Doe 2",
        "iban": "Sample iban Number",
        "bic": "TESTBIC",
        "currency": "EUR"

The above response shows that the account has two recipients added to the account.

How to get a specific recipient detail

To get specific recipient details, you must pass the recipient id in the URL. Use the below API endpoint to get the details of that recipient:

The response will contain an object containing the details of the recipient. A sample response is given below:

    "id": "1f41f279-7c88-4172-9fcf-7ae1599216b1",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "iban": "Sample IBAN",
    "bic": "TEST123",
    "currency": "EUR"

How to delete a recipient

To delete a recipient, make a DELETE request with the id of the recipient in the path of the request URL.

After selecting the recipient, you will have to initiate the transfer by selecting the account to that you are trying to send the money. Along with this, you can also send a message that will be delivered alongside this transaction to the recipient's account.

To get the list of your account, make a GET request to the below endpoint:

This request will send a list of the account associated with the credential.

To make the transfer, you have to use the below API endpoint:

To make the transfer request, you need the account number (id from the previous response) and the format. For the toAccount, this is also similar, but the data will be used from the selected recipient's information. Get the amount value and the execution date from the user to make the transfer API call. You can also add a message to the transaction.

After making the transfer request, the response will contain an id, as this transaction needs to be approved. For approving the transaction, you will have to call the /v1/transfers/{{transferID}}/approvals API with the id that you received from the last response. For approval, you will need the PIN number.

For this request, you have to make sure that a challenge id is available as 'X-AAZZUR-DEVICE-CHALLENGE' and a signature is available as 'X-AAZZUR-SIGNATURE'. To know more about how to generate it, please read through the process available on the Device Verification Page.

Users can cancel their transfer until it is not approved by the recipient of the transfer request. To cancel a transfer request, you have to use the id in the parameter.

On the transfer initiation, you can set the transfer as a recurring payment but if you want to change the scheduled time of the transfer, then make a PATCH request to the /v1/transfer/{id} endpoint. Here, the id is the id of the transfer request.

For this request, you have to make sure that a challenge id is available as 'X-AAZZUR-DEVICE-CHALLENGE' and a signature is available as 'X-AAZZUR-SIGNATURE'. To know more about how to generate it, please read through the process available on the Device Verification Page.

Users can also cancel a transfer request. The difference between cancelling a transfer request and rejecting a request is that cancellation is made by the same user who has created the request. On the other hand, rejection is done by the user to whom the transfer request is being sent.

The cancellation transfer request requires an id of the transfer request. The successful response will return the status of the cancellation request.

To reject a request, the request needs the id of the transfer request. The id can be found in the transfer request list available in an account by making a GET request to the v1/transfer-requests. The response is going to contain the status of the request.

When sending money, users can request money from other users or to simply put make a transfer request. The transfer-request-controller works with the transfer requests.

A user account can have multiple transfer requests. To get all the account transfer requests, make a GET request. The response will contain a list of the transfer requests containing the amount, id, name, message, etc.

Note: You will have to pass the oauth token as the bearer token for the request and make sure that the transfer scope is in the scope list.


The transfer controller deals with the transfers of an account, including the initialization of a transfer, getting transfer details, etc.

To get the list of the transfers, make a GET request to /v1/transfer. The successful response will contain a list of the transfer request containing the amount, message and other information about the transfer. Please check out the 200:OK Response schema to get the full details.

Last updated