
This page contains the details of the portagon endpoints and how to use them.

portagon provides the infrastructure for digital transactions and creates the ecosystem for the private capital market. By using this service, you will be able to invest in projects by making investor profiles.

Getting Projects

There can be multiple projects available. The response contains a list of objects having the project details.

A sample request is given below:

        "id": 2940,
        "name": "Immobilien in Frankfurt",
        "minimum_volume": "8000.0",
        "maximum_volume": "200000.0",
        "long_text": "<p><b><u>Beste Lage in Frankfurt am Main</u></b></p><p><b><br></b></p><p>Profitieren Sie jetzt von Anlage in Immobilien.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>",
        "image": "https://d2jn0so7x3i2c.cloudfront.net/platforms/2940/projects/original_1659004915.jpeg?1659004915",
        "currency": "eur",
        "investments_count": 2,
        "investments_sum": 7500.0,
        "feature_1_name": "Zins",
        "feature_1_value": "1% p.a.",
        "feature_2_name": "Laufzeit",
        "feature_2_value": "10 Jahre",
        "feature_3_name": "Mindestanlage",
        "feature_3_value": "250 €",
        "benefit_1": "Gute Lage",
        "benefit_2": "99% Vermietungsquote",
        "benefit_3": "PV Anlage auf Dach"

You can also get a single project by filtering with id. To get the previous sample project, the API URL should be like this:

Where the id value is 2940.

Creating Investor Profile

By default no investor profile contains the information from the account by which the user can invest in projects. To create an investor profile, make a POST request to the following endpoint:

In the body of the request, you will have to provide the value of the password like below:

  "password": "SAMPLE12345678"

Password shall be a minimum of 8 characters long, containing both chars and numbers.

A successful response will contain the following information:

    "id": 94894,
    "firstName": "First",
    "lastName": "LastName",
    "email": "email@gmail.com",

With the Token Login Url, the user can login to see the investments that is made, and make new investments as well. The token link will expire in 30 seconds.

For new users, the investments sections will be empty like the image below:

To see the available projects to invest in, go to the home page, and this will open the project listing page just like below:

If the user finds any project interesting, he can click on the Invest now > button. This will take him to below screens;

By following the screens, the users can invest in the project by entering the required information.

Portagon Authentication

To log in with the password created with the v1/investment/portagon/investor/create endpoint, make a post request with the password in the body like before. A successful response will contain the Token Login Url by which the user can see the dashboard.

Password shall be a minimum of 8 characters long, containing both chars and numbers.

Get Investor Profile

This API endpoint can be used to check if the investor profile exists for the user or not. If the user already has an investor profile, the response will contain the email address and investor id.

    "investorId": 1234,
    "email": "johndoe@email.com"

Otherwise, the response will look something like this with a message:

    "code": "PW-001",
    "message": "No investor found for this customer."

Update Investor Profile Password

Users can also change or update the password of the investor profile. To update the password, make a PATCH request with the new password in the body.

Password shall be a minimum of 8 characters long, containing both chars and numbers.

The response will contain a status with an "OK" value if the password is updated.

Last updated